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People would go around selling 'indulgences' or 'god's tokens' in the Black Death for people who had sinned and wanted to make it up to god so he wouldn't curse them with the plague. Of course it didn't stop them getting the plague so preists made a lot of money out of them!

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Q: What was meant by God's tokens during the Black Death?
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Who was w affected by the black death children or parents?

sorry i meant who was worst affected by the black death adults or children ?

Who barricaded those who had the black death?

Healthy people who at the time had a specific gene mutation which meant they couldnt get the black death

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bad hygiene and sanitation methods. Mainly bad sewage system and cleaning system.

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nothing, i collected all the tokens and i went back to kirstee and nothing happened. i think by finishing the game, it really meant u finished the game. but i wouldn't giv up if i were u. just find 100 tokens and see what happens.

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Chickamauga - the name meant 'River of Death'. (But it was not the only river whose name could be translated that way.)

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Yes, they were put on burn boils which meant the pain would swell up and soak into the toad.

Why did the black death become less popular as time went on?

because lots of villages died out so the fleas couldn't get anywhere else unless they were on a person who travelled further which happened rareley with the black death so it meant that the fleas slowly started to die out. does that answer your question?