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Major Walter Reed was most famous for making the link between the transmission of yellow fever via mosquitoes. He was instrumental in development of epidemiology and biomedicine.

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Q: What was Major Walter Reed known for?
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Who was Walter Reed?

Walter Reed

Why was the Walter Reed hospital named after Walter Reed?

Walter Reed was a U.S. Army physician who led the team that confirmed mosquitoes transmitted yellow fever. The hospital was named after him in his honor for his significant contributions to medical research and public health.

What is Walter Reed's birthday?

Walter Reed was born on September 13, 1851.

When was Walter Reed born?

Walter Reed was born on September 13, 1851.

A u.s. army major headed a commission that establisted that yellow fever was transmitted by the ades aegypti mosquito. Who was the major?

Walter Reed

Why was Walter Reed Hospital named after Walter Reed?

Walter Reed (1851-1902) was a United States Army doctor who became internationally known after he and his colleagues on the Surgeon General's Yellow Fever commission discovered that the mosquito was the vector for the transmission Yellow Fever. This lead to the virtual eradication of the disease, saving countless lives. In 1902, Reed's life was cut short by complications from appendicitis. His friend and colleague, William Cline Borden, operated on Reed, but was unsuccessful in saving his life. Borden wanted Reed's legacy to continue, and envisioned the creation of an Army medical center that encompassed medical care, research, and education. He wanted the hospital to be named after his dear friend, Major Walter Reed. He repeatedly petitioned Congress, and in 1905, the Army was granted the funds to begin construction on Walter Reed U.S. Army General Hospital.

When was Walter Reed Middle School created?

Walter Reed Middle School was created in 1939.

Did Dewey get help from dr Walter reed in conquering the Philippines?

No, Dewey did not receive help from Dr. Walter Reed in conquering the Philippines. Dr. Walter Reed was known for his work in combating yellow fever, while Dewey was a naval officer who played a key role in the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War.

How old was Walter Reed at death?

Walter Reed died on November 23, 1902 at the age of 51.

What was the name of the American doctor who first traced yellow fever to mosquitoes?

Dr.Walter Reed discovered that yellow fever is carried by mosquitos

Did Walter reed have siblings?

Walter Reed had at least 2 brothers and 1 sister. I believe he had more, but I am not sure.

When was Walter Reed Tropical Medicine Course created?

Walter Reed Tropical Medicine Course was created in 1941.