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Q: What virus is stable outside the body?
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Can the HIV virus live outside the human body in fluids if not smeared?

Yes, infection with HIV occurs by the transfer of blood, semen, vaginal fluid, pre-ejaculate or breast milk.

Does HIV virus dies outside the body?

Yes; depending on environmental conditions HIV will only live minutes to hours outside the body.

Can aids virus survive under outside temperature?

No. HIV needs a host. It does not live long, outside the body.

How long a hepatitis virus can stay outside the host?

Hep B can live for up to a week outside the body.

Are clothes of herpes zoster contagious?

The virus has a limited time it can live outside of the body. It is not likely to contract the virus from clothes.

How can HIV virus be killed outside human body?

The HIV virus cannot be "killed" outside of the human body because it is not technically alive. However, it can be effectively inactivated using common disinfectants such as bleach or heat treatment. These methods help to break down the virus's structure and render it incapable of causing infection.

How long can TB virus live outside the body?

1 day

What would happen to your body of you could not maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

How many times does HIV virus live in water?

HIV is not able to live outside the conditions of the human body.

What infectious agents cannot live outside of a human body for extended periods of time?

human immunodeficiency virus

Can you build a stable outside the farmhouse?

Yes, you can build a stable outside a farmhouse if you have the correct building permit.

How are ways to destroy HIV outside the body?

HIV, like any other virus, can be destroyed by heat or by disinfectant chemicals.