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The Radial artery is used when taking a persons pulse.

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Brachial artery, on the upper arm lateral aspect, medial to the elbow and shoulder.

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Q: What veins is usually used to take a pulse?
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What should not be used to take the pulse because it has a pulse of its own?

Your thumb has its own pulse so it shouldn't be used to take your pulse.

Artery in the wrist to take plus?

The radial artery is usually used to take the pulse - it sits just below the flesh of the thumb at the wrist.

True or false a sphygmomanometer is used to take the apical pulse?

False, because the apical pulse is the heartbeat and is heard with a stethoscope. The sphygmomanometer is used to take the pulse on the arm.

Which digit is never used to take a pulse?

the thumb, because it has its own pulse so cannot be used.

What is an electromagnetic pulse used for?

Electromagnetic pulse is primarily used for the basis of the advanced weaponry. This is usually deployed as a non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse either as a payload for a bomb or on drones.

What the name of the site you take a pulse from?

This site is called a pulse point. There are ten sites that are used.

What is used to take apical pulse?

Left hand

Which of the following locations is usually used for taking a pluse?

radial pulse

Why is the thumbs never used to take a persons pulse?

Your thumb also has a pulse so you could be counting your own pulse beats per minute.

When taking a manual pulse what should never be used because there is a chance of taking your pulse?

You should never take a manual pulse with your thumb because of the chance of picking up your own pulse from the blood vessels in your thumb.

Why is the pulse felt in the arteries and not in the veins?

The arteries are the vessels that lead from the heart. When the heart sqeezes (beats) the blood is forced out into the arteries causing an increase in pressure. This pressure increase is what you feel as the pulse. The blood must travel through the body, into the capillaries and into the veins. By the time the blood has traveled that distance, much of it's initial pressure has declined.

What is a Nonin oximeter used for?

Oximeter is usually used to monitor patient's pulse, Nonin Medical was the first company in the world to present and produce the bluetooth oximeter which is attached to a patient's finger and then his pulse can be monitored wireless from distance.