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a virus

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Q: What uses an infected host cell's genetic and metabolic machinery for reproduction and assembly?
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How is viral production different than cellular reproduction?

Viral production involves the replication of viral genetic material and assembly of new viral particles inside host cells, eventually leading to cell lysis and release of viral progeny. Cellular reproduction, on the other hand, refers to the division of a cell into two daughter cells through processes like mitosis or meiosis, allowing growth and maintenance of tissues and organisms. Viral production relies on host-cell machinery for replication and assembly, while cellular reproduction is a self-contained process regulated by the cell's own machinery.

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the?

The cell infected by a virus is referred to as the host cell. The virus hijacks the host cell's machinery to replicate and produce more virus particles.

What component of a virus is injected into infected cell?

The genetic material of a virus, either DNA or RNA, is injected into an infected cell. This genetic material contains the instructions needed for the virus to hijack the cell's machinery and replicate itself.

A protein that is produced by cells infected by a virus and that can protect uninfected cells from reproduction of the virus?

Interferon is a protein released by cells infected by a virus that triggers neighboring cells to heighten their anti-viral defenses. Interferon helps protect uninfected cells from viral reproduction by activating their immune response, making it harder for the virus to spread. This immune response can include activating natural killer cells to destroy infected cells and inhibiting viral replication within cells.

How could many cells contain copies of the nucleic acid from one virus?

When a virus infects a host cell, it uses the host's cellular machinery to replicate its nucleic acid. This can lead to the production of multiple copies of the viral nucleic acid in the infected cell. As the infected cell undergoes normal cellular processes, it can divide and pass on these copies to daughter cells, resulting in many cells containing copies of the virus's nucleic acid.

What component of a virus is injected into the infected cell?

The genetic material (such as DNA or RNA) of the virus is injected into the infected cell. This genetic material hijacks the cell's machinery to replicate and produce more virus particles.

What is the sexual reproduction of malaria?

Malaria parasites undergo sexual reproduction in the mosquito vector. When a mosquito bites an infected person, it ingests male and female gametocytes. These gametocytes fuse in the mosquito gut to form zygotes, which eventually develop into sporozoites, restarting the cycle of transmission.

What must viruses rely on for replication?

Viruses must rely on host cells for replication. They use the cell's machinery to produce new viral particles.

Do virus replicate?

Yes, viruses replicate by invading host cells and using their cellular machinery to produce copies of themselves. This replication process can lead to the spread of the virus to other cells or individuals.

What actors and actresses appeared in Chrysalis - 2014?

The cast of Chrysalis - 2014 includes: Moira Begale as Infected Matt Bendickson as Infected Gregory Bernas as Infected Carole Bernas as Infected Nick Cardiff as Bitten Man Katie Clark as Infected Elvis Dardagan as Infected Michael Emeritz as Infected Frank Gaba as Infected Jesse Gentry as Man at Window Sara Gorsky as Penelope Eric Karn as Running Infected Linda Karn as Running Infected Adam Kurstin as Axed Infected Jeanette LaPlante as Infected Michelle Lusson as Infected Ele Matalan as Infected Mark Messa as Infected Sarah Messa as Infected Mike Molenda as Corpse Jeffrey Shivar as Infected Cole Simon as Joshua Mark Soloff as Infected Clayton Stamper as Survivor Tanya Thai McBride as Abira David Thusat as Infected Dariya Trot as Infected Michael Vire as Running Infected Alexander Vu as Infected Erik Yarberry as Infected Shawn Zipay as Crushed Infected

What is transmitted by infected animals?

start by defining infected...infected with what?

What do you call an infected hair on an elephant?

'An Infected Hair' OR 'An Infected Hair, On An Elephant' OR 'An Infected Hair, That Happens To Be On An Elephant'