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For most of the blood tests fasting blood specimen is required

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12y ago

complete blood count use lavender tube with the additive of EDTA..

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Q: What type of specimen is required for most blood tests?
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What is the most common specimen analyzed in hematology section in lab?

The most common specimen analyzed in the hematology section of a laboratory is blood. Blood tests are routinely performed to assess a variety of parameters such as complete blood count (CBC), hemoglobin, hematocrit, white blood cell count, and platelet count. These tests provide valuable information about a person's overall health and can help diagnose various conditions such as anemia, infections, and blood disorders.

How much blood is required to do a DNA tsest?

Most DNA tests are done using mucosal cells or hair follicles. Simpler, cleaner and less of a biohazard. Blood tests are much less accurate. The methods used for the original blood tests in TB horses used 6 mls of blood. Actual amount needed would depend on how fresh the blood sample is.

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Yes. Blood type has nothing to do with who can marry whom. Blood tests required before getting a marriage license are to check for sexually transmitted diseases. Most states do not require blood tests any more.

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Some of the most helpful mineral tests include X-ray diffraction, electron microprobe analysis, and mineral-specific chemical tests. These tests can provide valuable information on the mineral composition, crystal structure, and elemental composition of a specimen.

Does blood come from veins or arteries for tests?

Blood donations or blood taken for tests at a laboratory are taken from a vein.

What type of blood is the most common for labratory tests?

The most common is blood type O.

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How are vitamin tests done?

Most of the vitamin tests are conducted by acquiring a sample of blood, and then preparing plasma or serum from the blood sample.

How much is a blood test before cosmetic surgery?

Routine screening for most cosmetic surgery procedures can be purchsed privately for under £ 100. Some Plastic Surgeons feel that blood tests are not required for some procedures

What two types of blood specimens are used for most hematological tests?

The two main types of blood specimens used for most hematological tests are whole blood and plasma. Whole blood includes all components of blood, while plasma is the liquid portion of blood after cells have been removed.

What tests do they do for life insurance?

Most cases Urine and Blood tests, as soon as person doesn't have existing conditions.

What is the most commonly used anticoagulant for blood tests?

The most commonly used anticoagulant for blood tests is ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). It works by binding to calcium ions and preventing blood from clotting. This allows for accurate testing of blood samples without clot formation.