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Q: What type of neurons carries impulses from sense organs to the spinal cord or brain?
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Which type of neuron carries impulses from sense organs to the spinal cord or brain?

sensory neuron

Which type of neurons carries impulses sense organs to the spinal cord or brain?

Sensory neurons

Which type of neurons impulses from sense organs to the spinal or brain?

Sensory neurons

What neuron carries impulses to the spinal cord and the brain?

Afferent neurons (sensory)

What neurons carrry impulses from the brain or spinal cord out to the other organs and please answer?

Motor or efferent neurons.

What are the neurons that carry impulses from the brain or spinal cord to other organs and cause muscles to contract?

motor neurons

What are the cells that carry impulses from the sense organs to the bran and then to the spinal chord?

sensory neurons

Which type of neurons carries impulse from sense organs to spinal cord or brain?

Sensory neurons

What carries impluses towards the brain and spinal cord?

The sensory neurons carry impulses through the spinal cord to the brain.

What type of neurons are responsible for transmitting nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the effector?

Signals are transmitted through the spinal cord and brain via neurons.

What cells carry impulses from sense organs to the brain and spinal cord?

Neurons (nerve cells)

How many types of neurons?

There are three types of neurons. 1.Sensory neurons: which carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. 2.Motor neurons : which perform an opposite function to that of sensory neurons by carrying impulses from the brain and spinal cord to muscles and glands. 3. Inter neurons : which connect sensory and motor neurons and carry impulses between them.