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Organs and parts of your body send information to the central nervous system (that's your brain and spinal cord) by electrical impulses. When the impulses reach the central nervous system, a response is triggered.

For example, if you touch a hot object, receptors on your skin will trigger an action potential in nerve cells. This action potential will be passed on to the next cell and so on until it reaches the central nervous system. The triggering of action potentials is what causes the electrical impulse. The central nervous system will then send impulses back to your hand via a motor nerve and will cause you to automatically pull your hand away.

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Q: What type of impulses does the nervous system use to send messages to the brain and spinal cord?
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What do you mean by nervous system?

Nervous system is a system present in the body of almost all living consists of the brain,the spinal cord and network of neves in humans.the main function of nervous system is to conduct,transport and react to the various messages,impulses and various biological processes are dependent on this system directly or indirectly.

What spinal cord carries messages to and from the brain?

The system that carries messages in your body, is the Nervous system.

Which part of the nervous system carries impulses between the body and the central?

The peripheral nervous system carries impulses between the spinal cord and other body parts.

How are messages carried from part of the body to another?

rthe nerves

What does your spinal cord have to do with your nervous system?

It is what carries the nerve impulses between your body and the brain.

How are messages transmitted from your spinal cord to your heart?

autonomic nervous system

Which tissue carries messages from your brain and spinal cord to other parts of your body?

Nervous tissue, specifically neurons, carry messages from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body. These neurons transmit signals in the form of electrical impulses to communicate sensory information and motor commands.

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brain or spinal cord

Messages are transmitted from your spinal cord to muscles in your hands by the?

Peripheral nervous system:

What in your body sends messages from your brain and spinal cord?

Efferent neurons carry impulses from your brain and spinal cord to other nerves, glands, and muscles in your body. the central nervous system

What parts of the nervous system that carry messages to the spinal cord up to the brain?


What part of the nervous system brings messages to your brain through your spinal cord?

The sensory nervous system. This brings information into the cord and to the brain.