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Rectus abdominis and diaphragm muscles

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Q: What two muscles attach to the xiphoid process?
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What two muscles attach to the xiphiod process?

The muscles that attach to the xiphoid process are the rectus abdominis muscle and the diaphragm. The rectus abdominis muscle is a paired muscle running vertically on each side of the anterior wall of the abdomen, while the diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities and plays a key role in respiration.

What insertion is on the xiphoid process and coastal cartiliages?

The insertion on the xiphoid process and coastal cartilages is the rectus abdominis muscle.

What two Greek words does xiphoid come from?

"Xiphoid" comes from the Greek words "xiphos" meaning sword, and "eidos" meaning shape or form.

Identify two ways muscles attach to bone?

veins and meat

Are chest compressions under the ribcage?

The proper location is about two fingers width below the Xiphoid process (the peice of cartilage between the ribs.) This is more between the ribcage and not below it.

What muscles are attached to the ulna bone?

The thumb extensors are examples of muscles that attach to the ulna bone. The ulna bone is one of the two long bones in the forearm and can also be called the elbow bone.

What is the tendon attached to the heel and calf called?

There are many muscles that attach to the calcaneus, but the two biggest ones are the gastrocnemius and soleus. These two muscles attach to the calcaneus, via the achilles tendon. The other muscles are: the foot intrinsic muscles, so they begin and end only in the foot, and the plantaris, which attaches to the femur, and travels down to the calcaneus.

What are the 2 functins of the skeletal system?

Two main functions include protection and support. A third function that can be considered is that it provides a place for muscles to attach to.

Where sholud your place your hands to perform chest compressions on an adult?

An inch or two above the nipple line, dead center of the chest

Do ligaments attach muscles to bone?

I do not think a ligament is a muscle. A ligament is what binds two bones together. That is basically what i know

What type of joint is the sternum?

There are two articulations: the manubriosternal (sternomanubrial) and xiphisternal (xiphisternal)joints.The manubriosternal joint is between the manubrium and the body of the sternum.The sternal angle indicates the manubriosternal joint. In adults this is a secondary cartilaginous joint (symphysis).Xiphisternal (xiphosternal) joints are between the xiphoid process and body of the sternum is a primary cartilaginous joint (synchrondrosis) and these bones are united by hyaline cartilage. By age 40 this joint has ossified.

What are two muscles that connect to the mandible and cranium and close the jaw?

Two muscles that connect the mandible to the cranium and are responsible for closing the jaw are the masseter and temporalis muscles. These muscles work together to help in the process of chewing and biting.