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xylem and phloem

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Q: What two main types of vascular tissue are found in the vein?
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What are the types of plant tissues?

There are three main types of plant tissues: dermal, vascular, and ground tissues. Dermal tissue acts as the outer protective covering of the plant, vascular tissue transports water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant, while ground tissue provides structural support and storage.

What are the two different types of vascular tissue?

The two types of vascular tissue are xylem and phloem. Xylem is responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant, while phloem transports sugars and other nutrients produced by the plant through photosynthesis to different parts of the plant.

What type of tissue development exist in non vascular plants?

Non-vascular plants exhibit simple tissue development, which includes three main types: parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma. These tissues are responsible for various functions such as support, storage, and photosynthesis. Non-vascular plants do not have specialized vascular tissues like xylem and phloem found in vascular plants.

What are three main types of tissue in vascular plants?

The three main types of tissue in vascular plants are dermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue. Dermal tissue is the outer protective covering of the plant, ground tissue provides structural support and storage, and vascular tissue transports water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant.

What is a term that names the main water carrying tubes of vascular plant?

This vascular tissue is called xylem.

What is the main 4 types of tissue found in your body?

The main four types of tissue found in the body are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nervous tissue. Epithelial tissue covers the body surface and lines internal organs. Connective tissue provides support and structure for the body. Muscle tissue allows for movement and contractibility. Nervous tissue transmits and processes information in the body.

What are 3 types of tissue found in plants?

The three main types of plant tissues are dermal tissue, which forms the outer layer protecting the plant; vascular tissue, which transports water and nutrients throughout the plant; and ground tissue, which performs functions such as photosynthesis, storage, and support.

Which type of root has a scattered vascular tissue?

A fibrous root system has scattered vascular tissue. In this root system, the smaller roots arise from the base of the stem and spread out in different directions, with no main root. Examples include grasses and some types of herbaceous plants.

What characteristic of bryophytes is responsible for their small size?

That IS the basis of the answer. They don't have vascular tissue. This lack of vascular tissue keeps them small because:1. Bryophytes don't have specialized tissue to transport food and water through a larger plant.2. Vascular tissue is the main means of support in larger plants. No vascular tissue - less support.6 years ago

How is xylem differ from phloem?

The basic function of Xylem is to transport water (and some soluble minerals) up from the roots and through the plant. Phloem transports organic nutrients - particularly sucrose (a sugar) - throughout the plant. Both are types of vascular tissue found in plants.

How many tissues does a leaf have?

A leaf typically has three main types of tissues: epidermal tissue, mesophyll tissue, and vascular tissue. The epidermal tissue covers the outer surface of the leaf, the mesophyll tissue is where photosynthesis occurs, and the vascular tissue is responsible for transporting nutrients and water throughout the leaf.

What are the main three types of plant tissue?

The main three types of plant tissue are dermal tissue, ground tissue, and vascular tissue. Dermal tissue is the outer protective layer, ground tissue supports and stores nutrients, and vascular tissue transports water and nutrients throughout the plant.