In complex mastoiditis, the infection penetrates through to the lining of the mastoid bone, resulting in a very severe and destructive infection of the mastoid bone itself.
In a simple case of mastoiditis some fluid escapes into the mastoid air cells during a middle ear infection.
On rare occasions, isolation or restraint may be needed to ensure the individual's safety and the safety of others.
With early identification of mastoiditis, the prognosis is very good. When symptoms are not caught early enough, however, a number of complications can occur.
I haven't found it necessary but it is useful in case you have to get medical treatment.
There are several examples of scoliosis treatment. One of these is surgical treatment which involves implants to hold the spine in place. Other nonsurgical options also exist if the case is less severe.
Most dentists will charge from $50 to $120 for gingivitis treatment in New Jersey. If the case is severe, the cost could be significantly more.
Treatment for hammer toes may involve wearing properly fitting shoes, using orthotic devices, performing toe exercises, and taking anti-inflammatory medications. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary to correct the deformity and relieve pain. It's important to consult with a healthcare professional for the best treatment plan for each individual case.
A severe case of paruresis would be in which the person can only urinate when alone at home.
It depends on how bad the situation is. some good and well known treatment centers are Remuda Ranch, and Renfrew. however, some treatment centers require the person to be hospitalized first if the case is too severe.
Treatment resistant depression would be a case where depression was so severe that it could not be treated with standard medications or therapy. This can happen when there is brain/nervous system damage. It can also when a person lacks the ability to produce serotonin.
This would be a very radical and sever option for curing Bell's Palsy. The surgery would have to repair the nerve damage from a very severe case of Bell's Palsy. The most common treatment is time and antiviral medication.