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You will have to go to the pharmacy and get an antibiotic cream. It is the only thing that will cure a yeast infection. There is one cream called 'Canestan'. You have to use it two or three times daily depending on how bad the infection is. Yeast infections are common and happen to everyone but some good points to remember to prevent one is not to wear tight underwear or any material that is man made; you should wear cotton because it lets air through.

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hi this is no jock every day have a cup of yo-get doesn't matter what kind just normal yo-get and i shoude clear up soon

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Q: What treatment does a 7 year old do to cure a yeast infection?
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Around 75% of women will have at least one yeast infection in their lifetime. It is estimated that approximately 5% of women in the US experience recurrent yeast infections, with an estimated 3 out of 4 women experiencing at least one yeast infection during their lifetime.

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From my experience, I do not believe that it is good to mix those two drugs. They are both powerful drugs. I was on celexa last year and I had to take antibiotics to cure an infection. As a result, I got a terrible yeast infection for months. I later learned that my doctor gave me cipro. Talk to your doctor, and see if you can get something other than cipro.

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Taking antibacterial medications for 6 months up to a year will cure the disease. Taking 2 or more drugs such as Rifampicinand Dapsone is the standard cure.

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A vaginal yeast infection isn't considered a sexually transmitted infection, although the fungus that causes the condition can be spread through oral-genital contact. Simple treatment is usually effective, unless you have recurrent yeast infections - four or more in a single year. In that case, you may need a longer course of therapy and a maintenance plan.Recurrent yeast infections could be cured by herbal medicine FUYAN PILL for females. And it has been proven effective by thousands of clinic cases.And if you still have any questions or worries about your situation, you could consult online doctors, such as Wuhan Dr. Lee's TCM Clinic,they would offer you professional and free help online.

Is it okay for a 24 year old woman to have a lot of yeast infections?

Well having any kind of infection at any age is not good, and of fungal or yeast is even very bad, and as you are talking about a lot of infection then i would suggest it is very serious and you should concern to doctor as soon as possible

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Histoplasmosis is typically treated with antifungal medications, but in some cases, the infection may resolve without treatment. It is possible to be exposed to the fungus again and get re-infected, but having histoplasmosis once does not mean you will have it for the rest of your life. It is important to follow your doctor's advice for treatment and monitoring.

Can a 14year old have a yeast infection?

Yes you can get a yeast infection at the age of eleven... You can get the yeast infection at the age of ten like me. You can get a yeast infection at almost anyway from wiping the wrong way.... From someone else.. You can also get rush from someone itching and you getting it in your mouth from touching them, Also in your eye so be careful to wash your hands allot when getting a yeast infection. You can get very sick it can cause: not having babies in the future, make the very sick. So treat it!! Go to the doctor and get swabed and they can give you medicine by mouth, or go to walmart and get some yeast infection tubs of medicine to put there. Sometimes it goes away on its own. -Brie- P.S i hope this helps you.

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The urinary infection is a very common disease among young women. The disease recurrence is very common. Some have estimated that almost half of people who have the infection get it again within a year.

What year was a yeast infection discovered?

Short answer: 1929 But really: Yeast infections have existed for thousands of years, as long as there have been humans we have been getting sick. Fungus and infections are among the oldest known ways for getting sick. So its a pretty safe bet that yeast infections were discovered before anyone was even counting what year it was. The real answer is too many thousands of years ago for anyone to know for sure. Herbal remedies and old world techniques for treatment have been documented for hundreds of years. However; the first modern studies and clinical diagnosis of the infection using scientific methods began in 1929. That year it was entered into the disease database as Candidiasis. Before that it was known as thrush, or by various other regional names.