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Anything comfortable. Athletic shorts, swear pants, a loose t-shirt, a tank top. If it's cold you can always opt for yogo pants, or leggings with athletic shorts over them. Sports bra's are the best option for underwear. They are super comfortable and give you the support you need.

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You generally want something that breathes and is comfortably fitted. Not too lose, something you get good support in and can move around easily.

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Q: What to wear to the gym?
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Should wear Brazilian at the gym?

Yes a sports bra

What do you wear to gymnastic?

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What is the difference between Gym Wear and Athletic Wear?

Gym fit wear and athletic wear are both types of clothing designed for physical activity, but they differ in their intended use and design features. Gym fit wear, also known as gym wear, is designed specifically for use in a gym or fitness studio setting. It is typically made from lightweight, stretchy materials that allow for a full range of motion during exercises such as weightlifting, cardio, and yoga. Gym fit wear may include items such as leggings, sports bras, tank tops, and shorts, and is often more fashion-forward and stylish than traditional athletic wear. Athletic wear, on the other hand, is designed for a broader range of physical activities, including team sports such as soccer and basketball, as well as individual pursuits like running, hiking, and cycling. Athletic wear is typically made from technical fabrics that wick moisture away from the body, provide support and protection during high-impact activities, and offer features such as pockets and reflective elements for outdoor use. Athletic wear may include items such as running shorts, compression tights, moisture-wicking t-shirts, and sports jackets. In summary, while both gym fit wear and athletic wear are designed for physical activity, gym fit wear is focused specifically on the gym and fitness studio environment, while athletic wear is designed for a broader range of physical activities and outdoor pursuits.

where can I buy Fitness clothing for the gym ?

You can buy Fitness clothing for the gym at Ice Gear apparel stores and also from the Fitness department of Sears and The Bay. Winners also has active wear for the gym.

Can anyone wear gym supporter everytime?

Yes They Can As It Is As Supportive As A Normal Brief

If you play lacrosse in gym should you ware jockstarps?

Always wear a jock

Can you wear jeans to work?

Lifeguard, mail carrier, gym teacher, zookeeper

Do you wear any under shirt inside your gymnastics leotard?

No but you could wear bras and underwear, some girls at my gym wear t-shirts over their leos.

What are things you wear that begin with the letter G?

gloves, gown, gym shoes, gym shorts, girdles, glasses,