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Drink a large glass of water and go to the nearest A & E Dept.,

It means that your blood sugar is at a dangerous level and if not brought down quickly you can go into cardiac arrest.Drink as much water as you can and call an ambulance.It is a known fact that if you enter an emergency room at the hospital via ambulance you will be seen quicker then if you walk in through the waiting room.There the doctor and medical staff will closely monitor your vital signs and attatch you to an I.V. in order push fluids through your body to bring your B.S. down quickly and to a safer range.

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14y ago
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11y ago

The medical term for high blood sugar is hyperglycemia. This occurs when either the body is unable to make insulin or is not correctly responding to insulin. This prevents glucose in the blood from entering the cells that it is needed in for your body to use for energy.

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Usually when it gets that high, it can lead to a coma or death.

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It can cause coma or dearth

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12y ago

you will feel dizzy and go into coma

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