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You will be in EXTEME and I mean EXTREME pain few about a week. You won't die. If I have any tips for you it would be take your pain medicine, try your best to drink (no matter how bad it hurts) and do NOT eat anything that isn't soft at least for a couple of days. If your talking about in the hospital they will put you in a gown and then put you on a small bed and wheel you away. They will put you asleep for 10 minutes to an hour. When you wake up you will have an iv in and be in a lot of pain. You will be discharged sometime the same day. Good luck!

Thanks that wasn't my case... but apperentley I'm like a 1 in 100 case. I didn't have any type of pain, but I kept up with my medications... but I'm also 12 so you could've gotten your tonsils out at a much latter age. I drank lots of liquids and although I could eat hard foods on the night of day, I didn't risk it because I didn't want my scabs to come off too early. I started school on the first day which was 4 days after surgery. And fyi when it comes to surgery you're under anestics for an hour while the preform surgery. You take it through the mask first and once you're unconsius they put in the IV so they can take the mask off. I got out a half hour after I woke up.

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