The food that you can eat to build up ur blood are rasins, grapes and drinking Grape Juice because all these foods are rich in iron that build up blood. 1.Meat(lamb, beef/calf liver, liver from organically raised cattle, fish)
2.Blackstrap molasses(1 tablespoon in a cup of hot water drank as a tea)
3.Dark green vegetables(spinach, alfalfa, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, parsley, celery, kale, cucumbers, leeks, watercress)
4.Dried fruit(apricots, raisins, figs, dates, peaches, Prunes, and Pears)
5.Fresh berries(cherries, berries, bananas, dark grapes
6.Liver foods ( apples, beets, carrots, yams, legumes, whole grains)
7.Black cherry juice, purple grape juice
8.Garbanzo beans
9.Goat milk
Meat, poultry, insects and worms (yes, many are considered food and are added by food manufacturers to increase the protein level of processed foods), fish, eggs, dairy, beans and legumes (alfalfa, clover, peas, beans, lentils, lupins, mesquite, carob, soy, and peanuts).
You can also drink protein beverages. Some are made with whey protein.
cayanne pepper, Dark Chocolate, red wine all increase blood flow. aspirin thins the blood. Foods to avoid- corn syrup, veggie oil, fried foods, cheese, red meat, dairy
Does ALT increase in blood effect on human body or liver?
after you eat, food need to be metabolised. so it need more oxygen for the tissue which under taken this task. to counteract with the increased demand of oxygen its our body's one of automatic mechanisms. that to increase the pulse and increase the blood circulation
blood is naturally in your body. if you eat something there will be no diff in your blood flow or blood amount.
When you eat glucose, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, causing blood sugar levels to rise. The body releases insulin to help cells take in glucose for energy production and storage, leading to an increase in blood volume as glucose is transported throughout the body.
Eat your vegetables.
Increases in body temperature cause a corresponding increase in respiratory rate and heart rate because there is an increase in metabolic needs of the body. As regards blood Pressure, I believe the blood pressure goes down as a result of an Increase in body temperature. The body generates a lot of heat that decreases body hydration level and a result the body becomes dehydrated and the BP decreases. Increase with fever, necessitating more oxygen. The client who has a decrease in body temperature will experience a decrease in respiratory rate, Heart rate and Blood pressure.
2000km of vessels
take a half a panado a day, it will increase your blood supply.
Blood flow can be increased in two main ways: firstly, the heart can pump blood round the body at a faster rate i.e. by increasing blood flow. Secondly, vasodilation can take place, by which blood vessels "expand" in order to allow more blood to pass through. This process is mainly used during exercise, when our body needs to lose excess heat energy.
Eat alot.
Except in cases of massive blood loss, it's not the job of the vessels to increase or decrease blood flow, but of the capillary beds.