Because Viagra works in close proximity to the areas the risk of kidney or liver inflammation, infection, or deposits (kidney stones) are conceivable
It can cause kidney stones and/or reduced liver function. It won't happen after just a few meals, however.
Absolutely. Drinking impairs liver function, causing higher blood levels of uric acid, lactic acid, and calcium. All of these can lead to kidney stones.
Can Heroin cause Kidney Stones
What makes kidney stones? why are they soo panfulkll?
Yes, it is possible to have kidney stones two weeks after just passing them. If you just passed kidney stones, it is possible that there are still remaining stones in your kidney that were not passed with the others.
Kidney stones tend to get trapped in the ureter leading out of a kidney into the bladder.
In the Kidney.
kidney stones
yes it does cause kidney stones
well the kidney doctor ofcourseUrologists.