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With simple injuries the best idea is RICE R: Rest - let the injured area heal I: Ice - ice the area (note: do not put ice in direct contact with skin, use a cloth as a barrier. C: Compression - Ace bandages or other type of wrap on the area E: Elevation - Raise injured area above the heart to decrease blood flow to area thereby decreasing swelling

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11y ago

Take care of it like any bruise. Add cold at first and later heat.

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Q: What to do with broken blood vessel on back of hand from being hit on wire?
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Depends on where in the eye you mean. On the white: broken blood vessel. In the back of the eye: see a doctor.

What is a human vein?

A blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart.

Blood vessel that carry blood going back to the heart?


What is the vessel that brings blood back to the heart?


What is the dorsal blood vessel and the ventral blood vessel?

I always got dorsal (down the back or spine) and ventral (down the underside) confused, until I thought of an easy way to remember it. The ventral goes down to where the animal "vents" (poops). So the dorsal blood vessel is the vessel that runs down the back, while the ventral blood vessel runs down the underside.

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The energy broken down from the oxygen is transported into throughout the body by blood vessels. That energy is dropped of at what ever part of the body needs it, and the blood vessel goes back to the lungs for more.

Which blood vessel transport blood to the heart and which blood vessel transport blood away from heart?

Blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart are the veins. Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries. veins

What does an human vein do?

A vein is the blood vessel in the cardiovascular system which transports blood back to the heart.

What is the blood vessel which carries blood from the tissues to the heart?

Veins carry deoxygenated blood from the body back to the heart.

What is the rupture of a blood vessel?

If a blood vessel ruptures, it has developed a leak. In an artery (going away from the heart) the blood will leak much faster than in a vein (going back to the heart).

A vessel that brings blood back to the heart?

The superior and inferior vena cava.

What is a rupture of a vessel?

If a blood vessel ruptures, it has developed a leak. In an artery (going away from the heart) the blood will leak much faster than in a vein (going back to the heart).