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Go see a doctor. Do not try 'home remedies'.

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Q: What to do pregnant girl if pain in her stumok?
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What pain comes to a man when they get a girl pregnant?

That is the pain of having to make child support payments.

As a girl when your back hurt it can mean you are pregnant?

When a girl is pregnant, it is common for them to experience back pain due to the added weight on the front of their body, however back pain can be caused by a variety of other reasons. Please consult a physician to determine the cause of your back pain.

Will breast pain occur if a girl is pregnant?

Breast tenderness, yes. That usually also occur when you ovulate or get your period.

Can you get pregnant from a girl?

The only way for a female to get pregnant is for a man to ejaculate semen into the woman's vagina. A girl can't get pregnant from a girl; a guy cannot get pregnant from a girl.

When girl eat sperm then girl are pregnant?

No. When a girl eat sperms, she will not get pregnant.

Can a kiss can make a girl pregnant?

No a girl cant get pregnant from a kiss so that mean you can kiss any girl and she wont get pregnant

How pregnant a girl?

A girl becomes pregnant when a sperm reaches her egg.

If girl and boy has interaction between them and girl is virgin than girl can be pregnant?

if she is a virgin then no but she can get pregnant

Can a girl get pregnant from sperm on thigh?

No, a girl cant get pregnant from sperm on thigh........

Can a girl get pregnant if shes on her pirod?

That's the only way a girl can get pregnant...

If a boy kisses a girl on her lips the girl can become pregnant?

yes she can but if you dont have sex the girl will not be pregnant.

Can u get pregnant at the age 12?

A girl can get pregnant at the age of 12. If a girl has went through puberty they can get pregnant.