because i no what it feels like to think you are pregnat, i would go to your loacal clinic and ask them for a free pregnancy test and if it comes out positive then tell some one you can trust and get some advice from you school nurse or something and then decide. or you could try and tell your mum and see what she says if you think she would go mad then try and break the news to her very slowly! she should understand. it worked for me anyway =)
If you're pregnant at 14, then you should first see about getting help from the state and everything. Since your boyfriend left you, you should try to get ahold of him and just talk to him. If you want him in you and your child's life tell him that you want him to be a part of it. And plus I wouldn't recommend it, but theres always adoption. There are other options.
==Answer=First you need to tell your parents. They should know. Don't try to get an abortion in secret and think all your problems are over. Talk to them about it.
she has never been pregnant
yes, nicki was pregnant at 14, but decided to abort the baby (her friends convinced her) she regrets it though. she has not been pregnant since
blah, me tooo
how old are you
You can get pregnant at any time but you are more likely to get pregnant 14 days after your period
Cause you're pregnant
Blaze is 14 she can't get pregnant. In MY series, she's 17.
Girls can become pregnant after receiving their period