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Q: What the opposite of sleep?
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What is the opposite of rest?

The opposite state from sleep is waking, to be awake. The opposite (inability to sleep) is insomnia.

How do you spell the opposite of sleep?

The opposite of sleep is awake.It is spelt as shown:A, W, A, K & E

What is the opposite of awake?

A sleep

What is the opposite of sleep deprivation?

a coma?

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Opposite to hibernate?

aestivate - to sleep during the summer

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Does drinking ginger before bed help you sleep?

No. Quite the opposite.

Why do cats sleep on their heads?

because they are born in an opposite direction, leg side!

When you break your arm why do nurses put a nettle on your opposite hand?

so they can put you to sleep

Why do some people sleep at the opposite ends of the bed?

Because they are like u mean mad

What makes nocturnal animals different from daytime creatures?

nocturnal animals sleep at daytime and daytime animals sleep at nighttime or for short nocturnal animals are the opposite of humans!!