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Q: What the function of the oil glands in the skin?
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What is the function of the excretory glands in the skin?

to secrete sweat and oil

What are the functions of of the skin glands?

Sebaceous glands secrete oil to protect the skin. Sweat glands secrete watery perspiration to excrete wastes and cool the body.

What is the function of oil glands?

Keeps the skin moist and prevents it from drying or cracking.

What is the oil glands of the skin?

sebacous glands

What is found in your skin bone cells chloroplasts oil glands cell walls?

Oil glands are found in your skin.

Do pigs have oil glands?

Yes, pigs have oil glands in their skin. These oil glands help to keep their skin moisturized and provide protection against external elements. However, the distribution and size of oil glands may vary among different pig breeds.

Are oil glands found in your skin?


What is the function of the glands of the skin?

the sweat glands of the skin rid of sweat as waste product 2nd answer: The sweat glands excrete water onto the skin to help keep you cool.

What glands help keep skin soft and hair lustrous?

The sebaceous glands secrete oil (sebum) that helps keep skin soft and hair lustrous. These glands are located throughout the skin and typically release sebum into hair follicles.

Pertaining to hair and oil glands?

Hair follicles are connected to oil glands called sebaceous glands, which secrete sebum to lubricate and protect the hair and skin. Issues such as excessive sebum production can lead to oily hair and skin, while disruptions in the balance of sebum production can contribute to conditions like acne. Proper hair and skin care can help maintain healthy oil gland function.

What layer of skin is responsible of excretion?

The dermis has oil glands and sweat glands in it.

Why do you have oil glands in your skin?

Oil glands in the skin, known as sebaceous glands, produce sebum, which helps to lubricate and protect the skin. Sebum also helps to maintain the skin's moisture balance and acts as a barrier against bacteria and other harmful pathogens. Without oil glands, the skin would become dry, prone to infections, and lack the ability to regulate its temperature.