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Contractile proteins is the term that identifies the proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen.

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Q: What term identifies proteins that allows muscles to shorten or lengthen?
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What identifies proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen?

Contractile proteins is the term that identifies the proteins that allow muscles to shorten or lengthen.

Do muscles shorten as well as lengthen?

yes. source: year 3 science class

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What 2 major proteins that make muscles move?

The two major proteins that make muscles move are actin and myosin. These proteins slide past one another during muscle contractions, generating the force that allows muscles to shorten and generate movement.

When thick and thin filaments slide past each other does the fiber lengthen?

Muscles contract when sarcomeres shorten. The thin and thick filaments that compose sarcomeres do not shorten; instead, they slide past one another, causing the sarcomere to shorten while the filaments remain the same length.

What muscle can do?

Muscles can contract and shorten

A contraction that causes a muscle to lengthen rather than shorten is called?

An eccentric contraction is one that causes a muscle to lengthen.