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Q: What teeth have four roots?
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Can baby teeth grow roots?

Most baby teeth don't have roots at all, because they will come out. If they have roots they are probably adult teeth.

How many roots connect your teeth to your gums?

Each tooth can have from one to five roots.Incisals and canines have one root and rarely two.Premolars have two roots, but sometimes they have one, and rarely have three roots.Molars have 3 roots, sometimes four, and rarely five roots.

How are teeth held in the socket?

Teeth are held in by what are called roots. Think of them as tree roots in a tree. It holds them into place. When baby teeth come out, there roots die, because of the pushing of another adult tooth.

Which teeth may be replanted?

only permanent teeth are replanted. Primary teeth (baby teeth) do not usually have long enough roots for successful replantation. The only exception may be the canine teeth, which have longer roots

Does front teeth have roots?

Yes.all teeth should.that's what holds your tooth.

How many roots do baby teeth have?

Some teeth have only one root, while other teeth normally have 2, 3, or more roots. It depends on which teeth we are talking about. Incisors (front teeth), canines (pointed teeth next to incisors), and 2nd bicuspids (small teeth right in front of the large molars) typically have a single root. Lower molars and upper 1st bicuspids typically have two roots. Upper molars usually have three roots. There are insignificant variations, called anomalies, where a tooth can have more or less roots than what is considered normal.

Why do hamster have teeth?

all rodents have continually growing front teeth, because they have no roots

What is hard lumps on the inside of the gums?

The roots of your teeth.

Why do hamsters have long teeth?

all rodents have continually growing front teeth, because they have no roots

Does a first set of baby teeth molars have roots?

Yes, all teeth have roots. But when they fall out naturally they don't have them anymore. The "big" teeth below "disolve" the roots by pushing the baby teeth out.

Is it correct to say four tooth?

No, the correct phrasing is "four teeth." The word "teeth" is the plural form of "tooth."

Do your front teeth get affectd by your wisdom teeth?

If the wisdom teeth are impacted on your top or bottom row of teeth, they could cause discomfort and push roots of other teeth together.