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Q: What technical factors can affect the quality of a hematocrit results?
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What is the proper Units of measurement for hemoglobin and hematocrit results?


Do you need to fast for a hemoglobin and hematocrit?

Fasting is not typically required for a hemoglobin and hematocrit test. These tests measure the levels of red blood cells in the blood and do not require fasting for accurate results.

Does dehydration affect urinalysis results?

YES YES YES YES! Hematocrit, Hemoglobin, as well as a variety of electrolytes!!

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Go to the school administration and ask the secretary for the results from your technical courses you took this past July.

What are the proper units of measurement for reporting hemoglobin and hematocrit results?

gm/dl; GRAMS of hemoglobin that are present in a DECILITER of a blood sample

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Why do you set a standard in a controlled experiment?

so you can try to see exactly which factors are affecting the dependent variable (the thing you're measuring) "it gives you something to compare your results to" is the basic Y9-GCSE answer =]

How does dehydration effect hematocrit?

Hematocrit is the concentration of cells in the blood, measured by the relationship between the cells in the blood (red and white) and the liquid part of the blood called plasma. Normally the less amount of liquid in the body the fewer amounts there will be in the blood itself, therefore the cell/plasma ratio will decrease making the blood more concentrated. That's why the bigger the dehydration, the higher the hematocrit.

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i am also looking for those results everywhere but cant get them.