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they would stub there toes cause their legs dont work right

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Q: What symptoms would a person with arachnoiditis have?
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What are symptoms of spinal arachnoidits?

Typical symptoms of spinal arachnoiditis include back pain that increases with activity, pain in one or both legs or feet, and sensory abnormalities of some type, usually involving decreased reflexes.

How is arachnoiditis diagnosed?

The most reliable method of establishing the diagnosis of arachnoiditis is a positive computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan, combined with one or more of the symptoms.

What is Nerve root clumping at L4 L5 and L5 S1?

Nerve root clumping is usually indicative of arachnoiditis, a painful, progressive spinal condition. Please research arachnoiditis.

What does arachnoiditis on an mri mean?

Arachnoiditis is inflammation of the the leptomeninges (arachnoid and pia mater). These structures wrap the surface of the brain and spinal cord. When they are inflamed, whatever the underlying cause, gadolinium injection during an MRI scan causes enhancement of the leptomeninges on T1 weighted images. Many different health problems may cause arachnoiditis (from tuberculosis to carcinomatosis to autoimmune diseases). So, strictly speaking, arachnoiditis on an MRI means the leptomeninges enhance.

How is arachnoiditis treated?

Treatment for arachnoiditis is mostly done with medications, and is geared toward reducing the inflammation and alleviating pain. Medications may include both nonsteroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

What can make you feel like you have hypertension but does not have the same symptoms?

Something that can make you feel like you have hypertension but does not have the same symptoms, would be low blood sugar. Symptoms can vary from person to person, though.

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Where does spinal arachnoiditis occur?

Spinal arachnoiditis due to infection most often occurs in the cervicothoracic (neck and upper back) region, while cases due to external agents most often occur in the lumbosacral (lower back) area.

Symptoms of loosing 2 liters of blood?

The person would probably be in shock and be unconscious. If it is a child, they would be dead.

What is the prognosis for arthritis of the spine?

Good. Most have arthritis. Just eat antiinflammatory foods and go to a chiro every week

Would a person in the early stages of glaucoma be aware of the fact?

It as no symptoms at an early stage, that is why there is no treatment.

Where can I find the symptoms of anxiety online?

Anxiety symptoms can vary from person to person and there are plenty of them. If you'd like to see a list of the most common ones I would recommend WebMD. Also Mayoclinic has good reputation.