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In patients who have suffered particularly severe attacks, some degree of cramping and diarrhea can last for several weeks.

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Q: What symptoms of shigellosis may last for several weeks?
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How long does shigellosis last?

Shigellosis can last from a few days to several weeks, with an average of seven days.

What medication can cause symptoms of shigellosis to last for weeks?

Since antibiotics can also produce a form of colitis, this must be considered as a possible cause of persistent or recurrent symptoms.

Why do symptoms of shigellosis last for weeks?

Symptoms of shigellosis can last for weeks because the bacteria that causes the infection can be difficult for the body to completely eliminate. Shigella bacteria are known to invade the lining of the intestine, causing inflammation and damage that can take time to heal, resulting in prolonged symptoms. Additionally, complications such as reactive arthritis or post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome can contribute to the persistence of symptoms.

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Encephalitis symptoms may last several weeks

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The psychical symptoms last upto 2 weeks. The general illness lasts upto a month.The psychical symptoms last upto 2 weeks. The general illness lasts upto a month.

How long do symptoms last from Influenza A?

Symptoms of Influenza A typically last about 1-2 weeks. However, it's common to feel fatigued and have a lingering cough for several weeks after the acute illness has passed. It's important to rest, stay hydrated, and seek medical care if symptoms worsen or persist.

How long do symptoms last on bath salts?

from two-six weeks or more

How long does brochitis last?

Bronchitis is an inflammation of the airways in the lungs. Symptoms include coughing, fever, and nasal congestion. Symptoms usually last about two weeks.

How long do trichinosis symptoms last?

The symptoms of trichinosis are at their most severe at about three weeks after infection, and decrease very slowly in their severity. Recovery is extremely gradual, and symptoms may last for as long as three months.

How long does pityriasis rosea last?

spots, which may be itchy, last for 3-12 weeks. Symptoms rarely recur

What are the top 5 symptoms of depression someone should look out for?

The top five symptoms of depression include suicidal thoughts or actions, loss of interest in formerly enjoyed activities, fatigue or exhaustion, excessive or too little sleep and feeling hopeless. These symptoms are only indicative of depression if they last for several weeks.