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In order for an individual to be diagnosed with PTSD he/she must meet six specific criteria. 1. Exposure to a traumatizing event. 2. Re-experiencing the trauma (this is typically flashbacks during wake and/or sleep cycles, but may also include intrusive thoughts, memories, or unrest during situations that physically or emotionally remind the individual of the initial trauma. 3. Evidence of avoidance behaviors. (This can be physical i.e. avoiding any person, place, or object that reminds the individual of the trauma, or Emotional i.e. psychic numbing or the inability to feel emotion when reminded of the initial trauma. 4. Increased physical alertness or hyperarousal. (Restlessness, insomnia, panic attacks, bouts of rage, etc.) 5. The above symptoms must last for at least one month. 6. The above symptoms significantly affect one or more areas of the individuals life. Each of these symptoms may have multiple manifestations that are different for each individual. However, the basics are usually similar. A person who is traumatized by domestic violence may flinch when approached too quickly, or he/she may panic when there is yelling or loud noises. Anything that reminds the individual of the initial trauma can induce a fight-or-flight syndrome, in which the body and brain believe that the individual is in mortal danger. If you suspect PTSD, it is very important to be evaluated by a mental health professional. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and usually requires treatment. Without treatment the symptoms may cycle, sometimes they appear to be gone completely, but there is a risk of re-traumatization.

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Q: What symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder does a domestic violence victim show?
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Media coverage increases exposure to the violence, injury, and death associated with the event and may reinforce PTSD symptoms in individuals, especially young children.

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cause od PTSD can vary from person to person, but it's always caused by some kind of trauma. This is not an exhaustive list, only some examples- Rape, war, domestic violence, bullying, witnessing violence (directly or indirectly), car accidents, ect.

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If you are in a violent relationship, your children are being affected even if they are not being directly abused. Witnessing violence directed at one of their parents is a traumatic event in the life of a child, and the consequences of it could follow them for a lifetime. As teenagers and adults, they could suffer depression, post traumatic stress disorder and a host of other complications. You owe it to yourself and them to get out now.

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According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women will experience severe intimate partner physical violence, intimate partner contact sexual violence, or intimate partner stalking with impacts resulting in significant injury, fear, post-traumatic stress disorder, use of victim services, contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

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What are the effects of domestic violence?

Low self-esteem, lack of reality, paranoia, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (especially in adults that were subjected to it as children), depression, a feeling of inexplicable loss, a feeling of lonliness/isolation, shame, regret, bruises, withdrawl from family and friends, scratches, and in severe cases where there was no help, death. By the abuser or themselves.

How can we stop preventing domestic violence in our community?

We can stop by enlightening the public on the effects of domestic violence. Also reporting cases of domestic violence can also be helpful.

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domestic violence is NOT OK in any civilized country, British or not.

When was Center Against Domestic Violence created?

Center Against Domestic Violence was created in 1977.

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Campaign Against Domestic Violence was created in 1991.