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Q: What symptoms of influenza can a horse get?
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What are some symptoms of Influenza A infection?

There are several symptoms of the flu, or Influenza A. These symptoms include, fever, body aches, sore throat, headaches, nonproductive cough, nausea, and vomiting.

What are the symtombs of swine flu?

The symptoms are similar to a normal influenza

What happens if a horse doesn't get a flu vaccine?

For the 3-6 months that the vaccine would have provided an improved immunity against influenza, the unvaccinated horse will be more susceptible to contracting influenza than a vaccinated horse.

What is horse flu?

Horse Flu or Equine Influenza is a respiratory disease of horses. It is caused by the equine influenza virus and while it may not cause serious issues in all horses, it does come with the possibility of serious secondary infections and pneumonia because of the way it disables the respiratory system's defenses. Signs include fever, nasal discharge that starts clear but may become colored if a secondary bacterial infection develops, lethargy, poor appetite, coughing, etc. Symptoms can linger for several weeks and even once symptoms disappear a horse is still at higher risk of other respiratory infections for some time. It is recommeded that horses recovering from Influenza be rested 1 week for every day that the horse has a fever. This is a highly contageous respiratory infection.

How do people know they have influenza?

Fever, sore throat, exhaustion, coughing, sneezing, weakness, overall body pains. These are some of the symptoms of Influenza.

Is influenza caused by bacteria?

No, influenza is caused by viruses, specifically the influenza virus. Influenza viruses can infect the respiratory tract and lead to symptoms such as fever, cough, and body aches. Antibiotics, which are used to treat bacterial infections, are not effective against the influenza virus.

Can you get the flu again after someone gets yours?

Yes. You may contract a different strain of the influenza virus which produces characteristic symptoms of influenza (or flu).

What is the Horse Flu?

Horse flu is also known as Equine influenza is a variety of virus that only horses can catch a horse flu is a disease or a sickness

Importance of treatment of equine influenza?

There is a vaccination that you can give your horse yearly and if your horse does happen to get the Equine influenza then have your horse rest for 1 week for every day that they have a fever and give a recommended cough and flu medicine to your horse to help them fight the infection, but make sure your veterinarian recommends it. hope it helps! -Maurenna

What is influenza bacterium or virus?

It is a type of bacteria that can cause pneumonia. Although the name sounds like influenza, it is unrelated to the flu, which is caused by viruses and not bacteria.

What are the symptoms of ifluenza?

Symptoms of influenza are fever, body aches and muscle pain, headache, pain when you move your eyes, fatigue, loss of appetite, dry cough, runny nose, and dry or sore throat. Influenza does not usually cause vomiting or diarrhea.

What is the difference between influenza type A and type B?

Influenza type A and type B are two different strains of the influenza virus. Type A is more common and has the ability to infect animals, while type B primarily infects humans. Type A viruses are categorized into subtypes based on two proteins on the surface of the virus, hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N), which helps determine their potential to cause pandemics.