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CRP stands for C-reactive protein, and is an indicator of infection within the body. The purpose of this protein is to dilate or widen blood vessels so that more white blood cells can reach the site of infection in the body. A high CRP reading could be indicative of a heightened vulnerability to artery hardening, stroke and Heart disease.

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Q: What symptoms are related to having to have a CRP blood test?
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If a am having symptoms and i took a test but the test came back negative am i pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests may not be 100% accurate. Get a blood test administered by a doctor. You can get one at Planned Parenthood.

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The only way to be certain is by having a blood test hun. It is possible for the embryo to not show up in a ultrasound until you are 6-7 weeks into your pregnancy but because of your pregnancy symptoms vanishing, I would be concerned and suspect a miscarriage. See your doctor for a blood test.

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Can you have a negative test and still have symptoms of pregnancy?

How long have you been having the symptoms for and how close to the symptoms pregnant women normally have ? It might be that you're far along for the home pregnancy test to pick it up. if you feel like you are having proper symptoms then you can go down to your local GP and have a blood test done. It doesn't mean that all home pregnancy tests are wrong but it gives you the extra bit of confidence for you. There is no way the blood test could be wrong. On the other side, there is something called a phantom pregnancy. I've had this myself, it's when your body thinks your pregnant however you're not. Nothing much can be done about it as it's just your hormones, but it just means your body's going through the motions of it. Hope this helped you in some way.

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Get a Second Opinion or look up other options for your symptoms.

Could I be pregnant took 2 preg test having all the symptoms went to clinic their test was positive?

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