Hydrochloric acid is used in the body to help digestion and kill bacteria. However too much acid can cause indigestion and we use indigestion remedies to neutralize excess acids. An indigestion remedy contains a base such as magnesium hydroxide, which reacts to form a neutral compound and raises the pH of the stomach.
I would benifit from squirrels, because they help my indegestion.
indegestion and absorption
Characteristic Property
he gets indegestion
Nothing - you may get indegestion.
The density of any substance is constant, we don't control it. However, by finding the density of any substance, it can be used to help identify the substance.
Substance abuse is a broad term covering any substance that is used in a mood altering manner that is illegal or used in a dangerous way. A center for substance abuse would be able to help with an alcohol problem as well as dependecies on precription drugs or the dangerous use of sniffing glue.
I Have No Idea Some One Help Me!!
does banna give you heartburn or indegestion