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bone marrow

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Q: What substance in the center of bones makes blood cells?
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What substance in center of bones maks blood cells?

MARROW, bone marrow makes blood cells.

What is the center of your bones and what does it do?

The center of bones is called the bone marrow. It is responsible for producing blood cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets) and storing fat.

What is the center of the bones and what does it do?

The center of the bones is called the marrow. It is where blood cells are made.

What substances are in the center of bones?

In the center of long bones is the bone marrow, where red blood cells are produced.

What is in the center of bones and what does it do?

bone marrow, it produces blood cells.

What is in the center of your bones and what does it do?

bone marrow, it produces blood cells.

What is the substance in bones that generates red blood cells?

bone marrow

What is in the center of many of a human bones and what does it do?

Bone marrow is found in the center of a number of human bones. It is what produces blood cells.

Where are the blood cells produce in bones?

The marrow at the center of long bones produces blood cells.Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow of the bone.

What is the Tissue in center of bones that make blood cells?

The tissue in the center of bones that makes blood cells is called bone marrow. It is a soft, spongy tissue that produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets through a process called hematopoiesis.

What is the substance that produces red and white blood cells inside bones?

Bone marrow

How blood travels through your bones?

it travels through your bones by bone marrow, a jellylike substance, where new blood cells are constantly being produced