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Carbon dioxide and other such waste gases diffuse from the foetus and across the placenta into the mother's blood. Urea (excretory product) also diffuses into the mother's blood. (The substances in bold will answer question).

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Carbon dioxide

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Oxygen and food

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Q: What substance can be passed from the mother to the foetus?
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How does a person inherit disease?

Through their genes - or during pregnancy ! Many diseases can (and usually are) passed down from the mother to the foetus through the umbilical cord.

What does the foetus give to the mother?


What substances are passed between mother and child during pregnancy?

that would be the oxygen because whene a foetus breaths out it cant breath anywhere so it gouse to the mother and she exhales it out

What is it called when a baby is inside the mother?

The mother is then pregnant. Its called a foetus.

Does carbon dioxide get carried down to the fetus?

It can if there is an unusual amount in the mother's environment. Anything that is in the blood of the mother is sent through the foetus, and anything discarded by the foetus is sent through the mother's bloodstream.

Why does a foetus's lungs don't work properly?

The foetus in embedded in fluid called amniotic fluid. Some times the foetus takes a breath in that fluid, just before the delivery. The result is disastrous. If the foetus is born with the fluid in the lungs, it is going to die in most of the cases. The foetus is getting all the oxygen and the nutrition from the mother. This is supplied through the placenta. So the lungs of the foetus are at rest in the womb of the mother.

What harmful substance can pass through the placenta to the foetus?

Ellicit drugs, alcohol and nicotine.

How are nutrients and oxygen passed to the foetus and waste taken away?

Everything is supplied and filtered by the placenta.

Does HIV passes from a mother to a baby?

HIV infection lies in DNA of the nucleus of the cell. Normally no cells pass from mother to fetus. There is layer of placenta to prevent this. But this barrier is broken during the delivery. There is mixing of blood from the mother and fetus. So your doctor will like to go for Caesarean section delivery in such case. She will give some drugs also to prevent the risk of HIV transmission.HIV does not pass from mother to foetus during the pregnancy. Blood of mother and foetus is not get mixed in such cases. It can pass during the normal delivery, when the mother's blood can get mixed with the blood of foetus. That is why the delivery by operation is indicated in such cases. Your doctor will give you some medication to minimize the risk.

How are nutrients absorbed by the fetus?

The nutrients are absorbed through the placenta by the foetus. The foetus gets the oxygen and nutrition from the mother. The blood of the mother and foetus comes very close to each other in the placenta. Both are not mixed up. They are separated by very thin membrane. The surface area of the contact is very large as compared to the size of placenta.

What passes from foetus to mother in the placenta?

it's the emberyo because its the blood from the baby is used for the mother so it is very good for a mother to use !

What does a fetus need?

A growing foetus needs the cord because it gives the food and oxygen from the mother into the babyThe cord feeds the baby and gives the baby oxygen.All foetus's need a cord !