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Q: What structure is an acid necessary for enzyme action?
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What organ has an acid necessary for enzyme action to occur is found within structure?

Found in the stomach

Which would have a greater depressing action on the enzyme in saliva acid or alkali?


Why acid hydrolysis of sucrose avoided during experiment with enzyme invertase?

Acid hydrolysis of sucrose involves using acids to break down the sugar molecule, while enzyme invertase specifically catalyzes the breakdown of sucrose into glucose and fructose. Employing acid hydrolysis would interfere with the enzyme's function by disrupting its structure or activity, ultimately thwarting the experiment’s objective of studying invertase's enzymatic action on sucrose.

What is the effect of hydrochloric acid on the enzyme activity?

Hydrochloric acid can denature enzymes by disrupting their structure and altering their active site. This can impact the enzyme's ability to catalyze chemical reactions effectively, potentially leading to a decrease or loss of enzyme activity.

Optimal activity of an enzyme depends upon its Primary structure or Secondary structure or tertiary structure or amino acid sequence or disulphide bridge stability?

Primary structure

Hydrochloric acid and catalase reaction?

When hydrochloric acid reacts with catalase, it can lead to the denaturation of the catalase enzyme. This denaturation occurs due to the acidic nature of the hydrochloric acid, which disrupts the protein structure of the enzyme. As a result, the catalase enzyme loses its ability to catalyze reactions effectively.

What enzyme is activated by HC1?

Pepsin is the enzyme that is activated by hydrochloric acid (HCl) in the stomach. HCl helps create an acidic environment that is necessary for pepsin to break down proteins into peptides.

Explain the inhibiting effect of sulfuric acid on the function of catalase Relate this to enzyme structure and chemistry?

Sulfuric acid denatures catalase by disrupting its active site structure through protonation of amino acid residues. This alters the enzyme's shape, preventing substrate binding and catalytic activity. The acid alters the enzyme's pH optimum, impacting its function due to changes in the ionic interactions essential for catalysis.

What effects does acid have on ezyme?

Acid can denature enzymes by disrupting the hydrogen bonding and changing the shape of the enzyme's active site, which prevents it from effectively binding to its substrate. This can inhibit the enzyme's ability to catalyze reactions and can ultimately lead to a loss of enzyme function.

How does pH effect how enzymes function?

pH can affect the function of enzymes by altering the charge on the amino acid residues in the enzyme's active site. Subtle changes in pH can disrupt the hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions that are necessary for enzyme-substrate binding and catalysis. Extreme pH values can denature enzymes, resulting in loss of their structure and consequently their function.

How does the presence of HCl affect activity of peroxidase?

HCl can denature peroxidase, causing a decrease in its activity. The acidic pH from HCl disrupts the enzyme's structure, leading to a loss of function. Additionally, HCl can alter the chemical environment necessary for the enzyme to carry out its catalytic reaction.

What is the reactant for the enzyme's aspartase?

The reactant for the enzyme aspartase is aspartic acid. It catalyzes the conversion of aspartic acid into fumaric acid.