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Q: What structure detects the amount of stretch or tension in skeletal muscles tendons and joint's?
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What is true about skeletal muscle?

Skeletal muscle are muscles that are attached the bones. These muscles are designed to stretch and help the body to move.

Which fibers in the skeletal muscle are stimulated only by the degree of stretch?

Muscle spindles are the fibers in skeletal muscles that are stimulated by the degree of stretch. These specialized sensory organs detect changes in muscle length and contribute to the stretch reflex, helping to maintain posture and control muscle contraction.

What detects a muscle is under stretch and therefore initiates the inverse stretch flex?

the muscle spindle detects excessive stretch within the muscle , it response and makes the muscle contract

Does stretch have any effect on skeletal muscle contraction?

yes skeletal muscle stretch by means of contraction.

Which is true concering muscles tissue?

Skeletal muscle are muscles that are attached the bones. These muscles are designed to stretch and help the body to move.

Which specialized tissue contracts and relaxes?

Muscles are tissues that are specialized for contractions.

The muscle spindle detects excessive stretch within the muscle?


Why do you do streches in sport?

to stretch out your muscles. muscles like your leg muscles and shoulder muscles.

Stretch muscle vs non stretch muscles?


How do the skeletal system work?

The skeletal system provides structure and support to the body, protecting internal organs and enabling movement. Bones are connected by joints, allowing for flexibility and range of motion. The skeletal system also produces blood cells and stores minerals such as calcium.

Which allows the body to move by stretching and contracting?

Muscles allow the body to move by stretching and contracting. When a muscle stretches, it lengthens, and when it contracts, it shortens. This movement is controlled by signals from the brain through the nervous system.

What muscles do you use when you do the flamingo stretch?
