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Blood vessels, good luck on the rest of the test!

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Q: What structure allows skin to receive nutrients eliminate waste and helps regulate body temperature?
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The cell must regulate internal concentrations of water and other nutrients and must eliminate waste products?


What substance is transpired through the stomata of the leaves in a plant?

Water vapor is the main substance transpired through the stomata of leaves in a plant. This process, called transpiration, helps the plant regulate its temperature, transport nutrients, and maintain its structure.

What is a large cavity where water and nutrients are stored?

A large cavity where water and nutrients are stored in plants is called a central vacuole. This structure helps maintain turgor pressure, store ions and nutrients, and regulate cellular processes.

How does water contribute to nutrition?

Water helps to regulate body temperature, transport nutrients to cells, and rid the body of waste materials.

Blood helps to regulate body?

Yes, blood plays a crucial role in regulating the body by transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. It also helps to regulate temperature, pH balance, and immune response.

What is a analogy for lipids?

Lipids are like the insulation on a wire, providing structure and protection for cells. Just as insulation helps regulate the flow of electricity, lipids help regulate the flow of nutrients and energy in the body.

What structure helps regulate the temperature of the testes?

The scrotum is the structure that helps regulate the temperature of the testes. It adjusts its position to bring the testes closer to or further away from the body to maintain an optimal temperature for sperm development.

What are the three jobs of the cardio system?

The cardiovascular system provides cells with oxygen, nutrients and can also regulate body temperature, to name a few.

Why is transpiration important?

Transpiration is important for plants because it helps to regulate their temperature, transport nutrients and water, and maintain their structure. It also plays a role in the water cycle by releasing water vapor into the atmosphere.

What is the structure of the circulatory system?

transport oxygen, nutrients, and wastes; fights infection; helps regulate body temperatureheart, veins, capillaries, arteries . what is the function of these

Why important for plants to have plenty of water?

Water is crucial for plants because it helps in photosynthesis, the process by which plants make their food. Water also aids in the transportation of nutrients from the soil to different parts of the plant. Additionally, water helps regulate the plant's temperature and maintain its structure.

What does water regulate?

Water regulates body temperature, aids in digestion, helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, lubricates joints, and flushes waste products from the body.