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When you have a headache, your body is generally trying to tell you that something is wrong. It may be that you need hydration, in that case just up your intake of fluids i.e. drink water OR it may be that you just need some fresh air, in that case try and take a little walk outside. If you sleep whilst having a headache, this may cause it to worsen especially if all you need to do is have some water. Also taking a headache tablet will just mask the pain not target the source.

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pressing on the "Central Stress Control" on your head. It can be found in the middle. Squeeze for 40 Minutes(Not Really Worth It)

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Why do people pinch the bridge of their nose?

To relieve or adjust pressure on the sinuses. Sinus pressure can cause headaches. Relieving that pressure can cause a 'sinus headache" to lessen in intensity. It stops blood flow to a headache as well - stops the throbbing pain. So it can be used to relieve a headache that way as well. People also pinch the bridge of their nose to stop the flow of blood during a nosebleed.

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A headache may instantly stop if you become fully hydrated after drinking water. It may also stop quickly if you are taking medication for headaches.

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The International Headache Society does not recognize a diagnosis of Acupressure Headache or Normal Headache. There are many different types of headache disorders however, and some types may be triggered by acupressure.

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There is no headache inventor.

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There is no diagnosis called monotonous headache in the IHC. There are however Chronic types of headache, as well as a diagnosis called New Daily Persistent Headache. Headache itself is not a diagnosis. There are many different types of headache, so seeing a doctor or headache specialist is very important for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Arnold P. Friedman has written: 'Headache, diagnosis and treatment' -- subject(s): Headache 'Headaches in children' -- subject(s): Children, Diseases, Headache, Headache in children 'The headache book' -- subject(s): Headache

What is the scientific name for the headache?

The scientific name for a headache is cephalalgia.

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The plural of headache is headaches.

What is a served headache?

A severe headache is a migraine.

Does nook give headache?

Reading can be a headache trigger for certain individuals, depending upon which type of headache disorder they suffer. For appropriate diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders, consult a board certified headache specialist.