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Q: What state or region has the fastest kidney transplant turnover?
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What are the two layers of the kidney?

The renal cortex is the outer region of the kidney. The medulla is the inner region of the kidney.

What is the superficial region of the kidney tissue?

The renal cortex is the outermost, or most superficial, region of the kidney.

What are the difference layers of the kidneys?

The renal cortex is the outer region of the kidney. The medulla is the inner region of the kidney.

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the cortex

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the fastest growing population in the 1900s Was theWest.

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What is the name of the outer region of the kidney deep to the renal capsule?

The outer region of the kidney deep to the renal capsule is called the renal cortex.

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Minor calyx

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What region makes weathering go fastest?

Dont really know, but the tropical region, I suppose.

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Your kidney fell asleep

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