

Best Answer
  • cerebellum.
  • because, it co-ordinates mascular activities when we walk , jump, run etc and maintain the balance of body.
  • if we have uncoordinated movement , may be the cerebellum is damaged.
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The Vestibulospinal tract, which helps maintain balance during standing and moving, might be damaged if you have uncoordinated movement.

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Q: What spinal tract is damaged if you have uncoordinated movement?
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What spinal tracts might be damaged if uncoordinated movement is observed?

the spinocerebellar tract

What spinal tract might be damaged if lack of voluntary movement is observed?

Damage to the corticospinal tract, which is responsible for conducting voluntary motor commands from the brain to the spinal cord, may result in a lack of voluntary movement. This tract is essential for the initiation of skilled and purposeful movements in the body. Damage to this tract can lead to symptoms such as weakness or paralysis on one side of the body.

What tract is damaged if tremors or jerky movements are observed?

If tremors or jerky movements are observed, the cerebellum may be damaged. The cerebellum is responsible for coordinating movement, so damage to this area can result in issues with smooth and coordinated muscle movements. Additionally, damage to the basal ganglia can also cause tremors or jerky movements.

What tract might be damaged if there is diminished pain perception?

The spinothalamic tract is damaged.

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to the spinothalamic tract

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The nerves of the gastrointestinal tract are referred to as the enteric nervous system. It controls the movement of food and secretions within the digestive system independently of the brain and spinal cord.

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tectospinal tracts

What is lateral corticospinal tract?

The lateral corticospinal tract is a descending motor pathway in the spinal cord that carries signals from the motor cortex in the brain to control voluntary movement of limbs and trunk. It crosses over to the opposite side of the spinal cord (decussates) at the medulla oblongata before synapsing with motor neurons in the spinal cord. This tract is responsible for fine motor movements and skilled coordination of muscles.

Does paralyzis happen when the spinothalamic tract is severed?

Paralysis does not typically result from severing the spinothalamic tract, as this tract carries sensory information related to pain and temperature. Motor paralysis, which involves voluntary muscle movement, is usually associated with damage to the corticospinal tract, which is responsible for transmitting motor signals from the brain to the spinal cord.

A lateral tract in the spinal cord would be?


What tract might be damaged if tremors or jerky movements occurred?

train tract

What is the wavelike movement of the digestive tract?

That wavelike movement of the digestive tract is known as peristalsis.