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Learn to live with it it will ease of in time . Use a personal lubricant on it to make masturbation and sex smoother.

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Q: What sould you do if your penis is too sensitive?
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What is the sensitive cone-shaped end of the penis called?

The glans penis

Are there sensitive bumps on the top of the penis?

Not that I can think of. The penis has what is known as the glans penis at the head which is in it's self an especially sensitive area. however there are no bumps on it and it has a basically smooth surface that is covered with mucousal tissue. in the case of people that are circumcised the glans become less sensitive over time but these effect would be uniform over the whole head of the penis. in the case of the intact penis the glans are covered by the foreskin which has a smooth mucousal inner surface and until it is retracted back over the glans the top of the penis is not overly sensitive. however when the foreskin is retracted (especially at first) the top of the penis is very sensitive> Never the less there is nothing there that would be described as sensitive bumps.

Where is Glans the most sensitive part of the penis?

The underside

What is most sensitive on a mans penis?

The most sensitive part of a man's penis is typically the frenulum, which is a small band of tissue on the underside of the penis connecting the glans to the shaft.

Is the brain not sensitive to touch?

Yes in fact my penis is very big

What is the most pleasurable part of the penis?

The most sensitive part of the penis is the glans, or head of the penis. It is covered by the foreskin except in circumcised men. with ur mouth

How do you suck someone off if they don't have a foreskin?

Simply about the same as you would if the penis is intact. You don't have as much to work with as the foreskin which is in its own right a very sensitive part of the penis. and you will find that the glans will need to be worked on harder as it is just not as sensitive, Try concentrating on the area around the corona and the scar where the skin was cut of as they can be very sensitive as well. however if you try to be sensitive to his reaction to what you are doing while you have his penis in your mouth you will son learn what he likes. the trick is not in suction but in friction in the most sensitive areas.

Is 4 inch penis too small for bj?

Actually, no penis is too small for BJ

Does tanning have a direct effect on sensitivity of a mans penis?

First of all you should never tan the penis or the scrotum! The skin is far too thin and sensitive and tanning always increase the risk for cancer even if it's just a little tanning. A tan is a small burn to the skin so yes, it can make it more sensitive to the touch right away. That is also something very individual.

Do males have urinary meatus?

Yes we do - it's the sensitive opening to the urinary tract at the end of the penis.

Im too sensitive?

so am i

Sould you order steak or fish?

You sould order both and have it your way. You sould order both and have it your way.