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Go get a blood test!

If you are pregnant is it possible the tests are negative because there is not enough HCG being released into your urine. In this case, it takes longer to detect pregnancy through urine.

You need to see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test. Ask for the QUANTITATIVE BETA HCG BLOOD TEST. You'll know without a doubt if you're pregnant or not with this test.

I was 9 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first child before they found out I was pregnant. Urine pregnancy tests does not work on me. It was that way with my son, too. But they did a blood test on my at 4 weeks to tell if I was pregnant.

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9y ago

You can buy another pregnancy test that says it can detect the hormone up to a week early. But you could also just wait to miss your period. If you do, you can take a urine test or go to the doctor's and get a blood test. Also, don't stress or be nervous because that can make your period delayed.

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19y ago

You may have taken the HPT test too early. Try waiting another week and take another test. If you know when your period is due make sure that you do not take the test until 1 to 2 days after just to make sure. The test will not show positive until the baby has implanted into the uterus and is producing the HCG hormone that a pregnancy test, test for. Around 6 weeks pregnancy is when it would show up

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19y ago

If your last negative test was very recent, then chances are you are not pregnant, but should call your doctor to find out why you are not having periods and to check to see why you are having pregnancy symptoms. If the last test you took was awhile ago, you could retest or maybe still contact your doctor and have a blood pregnancy test done. good luck to you ~pawsalmighty

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16y ago

you should go and make an appointment with ob/gyn and get a blood test done to see if you are pregnant or not and see why you missed two period... Because of the negative pregnancy tests and the symptoms you're experiencing, you need to see your doctor for a blood test. This will confirm or rule out pregnancy. There are several things that can contribute to a negative pregnancy test even if you are pregnant. Some medications can give you a false negative, the timing of the test can affect the results. If you did not follow directions properly; if you let the test sit for too long the results may read negative after a while. It is important to read the results within the amount of time given on the instructions of that particular pregnancy test you bought. If you did not perform the test properly (example: you drank a lot of fluids before taking the test, which can dilute your urine). Etc To ensure the best results: * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1 day before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period, the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam-like strip * Check the results in the window frame of time suggested by the instructions of the pregnancy test.

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19y ago

GO to your gyn he'll draw up some blood and urine test,maybe even a sonogram. hope this will be of some help.

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Q: What should you do when you have missed 2 periods and have taken urine tests which were negative but also have other symptoms of pregnancy?
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Missing a period has many causes besides pregnancy. Many women (especially adolescents) have irregular periods to begin with. Stress, illness, and poor diet can also cause missed periods. See your doctor if this continues. One missed period is not cause for panic.

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There are only a few things that cause these symptoms, if your pregnancy test is negative you should see your OB/GYN.

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i am in the same boat, i went to the doc's office today and got a negative result for pregnancy, dunno y i m NT gtting my periods.

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Hi, Not all missed periods are caused by pregnancy. A lot of missed periods that are not caused by pregnancy are usually caused by irregular periods, stress, stopping the pill or hormonal imbalance. Best thing to do is see your doctor and have a blood test.

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no it is not if your are pregnant the pregnancy is not progressed enough for back aches but keep a close eye for other symptoms

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I am having the exact same problem and I already took two pregnancy tests, both negative.

Can you still be pregnant if you have no real symptoms besides mood swings missed periods and weight gain?

yes, some women never even "feel" pregnant. missed periods are a dead giveaway and of course positive pregnancy tests! ~pawsalmighty

Ive had 1 missed period in amongst normal periods 1 negative pregnancy test no symptoms apart from weight gain and what feels like movement in my belly already have 3 kids so know what it feels like?

Hi, Your question is: Ive had 1 missed period in amongst normal periods 1 negative pregnancy test no symptoms apart from weight gain and what feels like movement in my belly already have 3 kids so know what it feels like? Pregnancy tests can be inaccurate, especially urine pregnancy tests. I would recommend that you see your Doctor and ask specifically for the Quantitative beta HCG pregnancy blood test. This test is 100% accurate.

You have been having many symptoms of pregnancy and ive tried 3 pregnancy test but they all came out negative and you havent missed your period yet could you be pregnant?

Yes you can

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You have irregular periods and your last 2 periods came on time Now symptoms not sure if they are pregnancy symptoms or pms you have diarrhea headaches frequent peeing heartburn bloating got neg tests?

so you havnt missed a period and have had negative tests, that is a good sign, i mean if you do not want to be, all the other symptoms you have named could deffinatly be pms, and they are not just trure to pregnancy those symptoms can come from any where and it might just all be in your head, that you are convinced you are pregnant that you think you have these signs, i would talk to a medical prefessional