Do something that makes YOU happy - not someone else happy, but YOU. If you like Singing in the car, go take a drive around town and sing your heart out! If you enjoy spending time with family, go visit them, or stop whatever you are doing and go spend time with your family! Go to a lake and relax and float, find time to spend with a lover, since holding hands is proven to be a "natural high". Go eat some ice cream while watching a favorite movie....
you should get youre rabbit vaccnate about every year. it is very important to do so evern if youre rabbit is an indoor rabbit because deiseses like vhd are airborn you should get youre rabbit vaccnate about every year. it is very important to do so evern if youre rabbit is an indoor rabbit because deiseses like vhd are airborn
on the left side
1. Get away from the person 2. Go out with friends and have a good time.
To quote what a person said in a letter that you're typing, place the quoted text in quotation marks. It will indicate that you are reproducing the exact words of the person in the letter.
health care officers use science in their job as they should know how to keep youre body healthy and how tocare for youre body e.g youre muscles and bones.
they should be flat in frint of you.
if youre talking about Pokemon crater it was shut down
That if youre fat, you should work out.
The slime in your ear tell you whether youre face up or down.
It where they stick a tub down youre throat to help you breath.
ANSWER: Despite that Mcdonalds are the major reason for so menny people getting fat, then unless youre an ***** you should just watch where youre going and pay for youre own clumsiness..