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I am a 53 years old who has had 5 miscarriages. Before the 5th miscarriage my doctor had informed me that after a blood test was done that a hormone called progestrone was decreasing instead of increasing, unfortunantly he was not able to save me from the loss of the 5th baby. He did say when I get pregnant a 6th time to come in immediately and receive progestone injections for the first trimester and that I'd carry that 6th one to full term. My ex-husband's sister was having the same problem and received the injections and she had a beautiful baby girl 9 months later. unfortunantly I was in my 40's and my ex said we were to old to try for a 6th. I do hope this helps you in anyway. Cheri

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Q: What should you do if your hcg levels drop?
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If your hcg level drops within a couple of days does that definitely mean you miscarried?

Yes, Your HCG level should never drop ---it should double and get higher - if it drops - that's a sign something is wrong and most lyikey end up in a misscarraige ----the reason i know this---its cause it has happen to me and that's what my doc told me.

If you hear a heartbeat but hcg levels drop what does that mean?

Depends on how far along you are. It is normal for the hcg levels to stop doubling and plateau then decrease later in your pregnancy

How long does it take hcg levels to go down after a d and c?

my hcg levels after two weeks fo srugical abortion HCG Quantitation: 240 IU/L ( < 5 ) H, when will they drop to zero

Can having low hcg levels or no hcg levels while pregnant be hereditary?

Yes, having low hcg levels or no hcg levels while pregnant can be hereditary

How can hcg levels go back up after miscarriage?

Health care providers usually will continue to test hCG levels after a pregnancy loss to ensure they return back to <5.0. If your miscarriage was very early in the pregnancy and you continue to show an elevated hCG level your doctor should do a scan to to see if you have another fetus who survived the miscarriage. hCG levels only rise in the event of a embryo in the first trimester still growing in the uterus or after taking medications that contain hCG. Otherwise after a miscarriage the levels should drop steadily and return to a non-pregnant range within about 4 to 6 weeks depending how far into the pregnancy the loss occurred.

Normal hcg levels at 2 weeks should be? has a chart with the answer you need on it.

How long can pregnancy test show positive after a miscarriage?

it depends how high were your hcg levels, i was about 5 weeks when i miscarried nd my hcg were at 880 now after 1 week my hcg gone down to 100 so it all get a positive your hcg levels should be higher then 4

How does the hcg drops diet plan work?

The HCG drop plan works by ingesting the drops provided. You should talk to a physician to see if this is good for you.

What does it mean when your hcg levels go down then up again?

HCG levels only rise during pregnancy or if your taking medication that contains HCG. If your levels went down and then up again, this could be for any number of reasons. A strong possibility is you had a miscarriage and conceived again right after, the baby was distressed and HCG levels lowered then went up again or you was carrying twins and miscarried one and the levels went up again because of the remaining baby. You need to see your doctor to find out for definite.

How soon after intercourse can you get an accurate hcg level?

If you are referring to when you can detect hcg levels during pregnancy, you should wait 14 days after intercourse to get an accurate test.

Is it ok that my hcg levels have gone from 49000 at 7 weeks pregnant to 52000 in two weeks?

no, as long as it is increasing in numbers, you should be fine... According to the American Pregnancy Association, hCG levels taper off after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.

Is it dangerous to get pregnant with hcg levels?

If you're pregnant, you're going to have elevated HCG levels. That's just how it works.