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Contact the doctor and ask what else can be done if surgery is still not indicated, since the non-surgical treatment is not alleviating the symptoms with the current plan. It could be that you may need to wait longer for the symptoms to go away, depending on what treatment you are currently using. If the doctor does not adjust your treatment plan or explain that it will take more time to relieve the symptoms with the current approach, consider seeing a different doctor. They can't help you if they don't know that the treatment is not working, so talk to them.

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Q: What should you do if you have a mild disc bulge at C5 - C6 pressing on the ventral dural sac but the surgeon said you do not need surgery and symptoms are not going away?
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What exactly is a ventral hernia?

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Pancreas or Pancreatic divisum is a congenital anomaly in the anatomy of the ducts of the pancreas in which a single pancreatic duct is not formed, but rather remains as two distinct dorsal and ventral ducts.Pancreas divisum in individuals with no symptoms does not require treatment. Treatment of those with symptoms varies and has not been well established. A surgeon may attempt cutting the minor papilla to enlarge the opening and allow pancreatic enzymes to flow normally.

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It's a big disk bulge that is pressing on the spinal cord. In addition the spinal canal, which is the space where the cord runs through, is narrowed. It's generally not a good situation and can require surgery if conservative treatment fails.

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I need to find a TRUE specialist who is and has performed Laparoscopic surgery on incisional/ventral hernia's. ?

better to go for Hernia Specialist Training Course, in that we can find the true specialist.

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