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you shouldn't get clothes with wool in them.

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Q: What should you do if you have a allergic reaction to wool clothing?
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How can wool be used in clothing and in the home?

Clothing wise wool sweaters or wool scarfs Home wool rugs or wool blankets for decoration or to be used its up to you

Can you eat lamb if you are allergic to wool?

Yes you can. They make piriton for it. Yes you can. They make piriton for it.

Can a person be allergic to wool?


How often should wool clothing be washed?

not very often as it may rip or shrink

Fashion in colonial times?

they wore wool and linen clothing!!!! they wore wool and linen clothing!!!!

Can you be allergic to lambs wool but not wool?

AnswerWool only comes from lamb. However, if they make the wool in to thread or in some other form you may not be allergic to store wool and just the lamb's wool.AnswerYes, lambs carry other nutrients and things on their skin. But these are combed out of the wool as it is being processed and made into fabric.AnswerIf you are allergic to a substance it means that you are producing an immune response to that substance. To produce an immune responce your body must be sensitized and be able to "recognise" the particular substance which is acting as an allergen. As sheep and lambs are the same creature at different stages of their life cycle there should be no difference in the chemical composition of the wool or lubricating secreations present. Problems may arise however in the chemicals used to treat lambs wool and sheep wool before it is made into a garment. So no, it is not possible to have an allergy to lambs and not sheeps wool but it is possible that they are treated with different chemicals and you may be allergic to one of these.If however the "wool" you are refering to is from a different species such as a llama, you may be allergic to lambs wool but not llama wool.

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What is renowned in wool?

Wool is probablyrenownedas a basic clothing fibre.

Does virgin wool scratch?

Some wools are softer than others. If a person is allergic to wool, it will scratch.

What types of clothing keep you warm?

If wool is considered cloth, wool!

Can dogs be allergic to wool?

i am a vet and have seen this many times