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If the wound won't stop bleeding, even after you disinfected it and put pressure on it, you may need to have a doctor or nurse practitioner look at it. There are many walk-in clinics these days, and a wound that continues to bleed needs to have a professional give it a look.

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9y ago

I would basically first clean it out with either soap and water that way to help clean out the wound to help prevent the onset of infection, as well to help promote healing. Then put a band-aid on it, if no band-aids are available just apply pressure, using a clean napkin or paper towel. As pressure will help promote the stoppage of bleeding.

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8y ago

Apply pressure FIRST for 10-15 minutes. Do not pick at it. Do not peek at it. Rinse under water. Pat dry and apply a bandaid or non-stick bandage. IF it continues to bleed, see a doctor.

**Never, ever pick or cut a mole or wart. They have a highly vascular area--meaning, lots of little blood vessels--so they bleed a lot.

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13y ago

See a physician.

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Q: What should you do if you catch a wart and it bleeds?
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a wart is a build up of tissue over an open wound. tou can only catch the wart virus from someone with the "virus."

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If it is a severe wart you should talk to your doctor about removing it. Otherwise just leave it alone!!

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grow back bigger uglier and has a possibility to spread to other parts of body, where the cut off piece touches, or the blood the passed through the cut. warts are highly contagious, freeze it or if its tall enough tie a tight loop around it with floss (but u have to make it tighter every day) r

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If he has it and if he bleeds into your mouth.

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And it can't be a gential wart becuz i havent had intercourse

Can dehydration cause nose bleeds?

Dry air, possibly, but being physically dehydrated should not induce nose bleeds.

When a plantar wart comes out will it bleed?

Yes, the wart virus taps into the capillaries. So if you cut them deep enough, you probably will see a small bit of blood. This is the capillary supplying blood to the wart virus. I DO NOT RECOMMEND CUTTING THEM OFF YOURSELF! You could spread the wart virus, and re-infect yourself!

How long does it take for a wart to fall off after the doctor burns it?

After you have had freezing treatment to a wart, it should fall off within 2 weeks. If the wart does not fall off by itself in 2 weeks, then you should visit your doctor so he/she can remove it for you.

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if a hamster bleeds, it means that it might have gotten cut by something in it's cage. (nothing should be sharp in it's cage) If it bleeds that means it is either pregnant or starting to die.

Tiny very small painless dot on your lower lip that wont go away you tried to pop it various times a clear liquid comes out and then it bleeds a littlewhen you pop it a few days later its back?

It could be a wart stop popping it it will only make it bigger if it is a wart I would go to a dermatologist just in case