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Professional medical care is essential for any inhaled solids. Sugar and candy may dissolve in lung fluid, but gum or insoluble substances can trigger pneumonia or other serious health problems. (Of course, there is a possibility that it did not enter the lungs after all, but rather the esophagus. This should be checked and monitored.)

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Q: What should you do if you ACCIDENTALLY inhaled a half piece of Extra Polar Ice gum and are not choking but it is lodged somewhere deeper in your windpipe or lungs?
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If a balloon is accidentally inhaled, it can block the airway and cause choking. Seeking immediate medical attention is crucial if this occurs to prevent potential complications or injury.

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No, it is not safe to breathe in and out of a balloon as it can potentially cause suffocation or a lack of oxygen intake. Balloons are not designed for breathing and can pose a choking hazard if a piece is accidentally inhaled. It is important to avoid using balloons for any purpose other than their intended use.

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The trachea is the formal name of what is commonly called the windpipe. It functions as the pathway through which air is inhaled and exhaled to and from the lungs.

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Its a pipe which helps in passing inhaled air inside the lungs and exhaled air oustide the nose to the enviornment. It is also called windpipe

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Call an ambulance or take them directly to a hospital. Bleach is extremely poisonous and needs to be pumped out of the body, as it corrodes the insides of the windpipe, stomach and intestines.

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First place air goes after it is inhaled?

After being inhaled, air first passes through the trachea (windpipe) and then into the bronchial tubes, which branch out into smaller airways called bronchioles. Finally, the air reaches the alveoli in the lungs, where oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the bloodstream.

Is easy start engine a dangerous substance if inhaled accidentally?

You'll know if you accidently inhale a dangerous amount. You would get dizzy, nausous, and may even pass out.

What happens when a kernel of sweet corn is accidentally inhaled?

I had this happen to me last summer. I just coughed alot and it finally came up, maybe three days later.

What is the common term for Trachea?

The trachea is the formal name of what is commonly called the windpipe. It functions as the pathway through which air is inhaled and exhaled to and from the lungs.