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Try your best to relax I have a panic disorder and was passing out everyday at random places because of it. I went to the doctor and asked them to help me and they perscribed me Celexa about a year ago and it works tremendously. Good luck stay calm it only lasts for no more than 120 minutes and you'll be okay.

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15y ago
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9y ago

I have suffered from anxiety attacks since high school (probably due to low self-esteem and family issues, but that's neither here nor there). As strange as this sounds, I learned to 'wait them out', or if I felt one coming on, I learned to calm myself before it happened, to keep the general anxiety feeling to a minimum.

A few years ago, I started taking clonazepam, which works wonderfully, and just having it there, and knowing I have the option to take it alleviates my anxiety. It is an amazing drug, and works almost instantly for me, however, I suggest exhausting every other method I've listed above and that you can find listed online, or that a therapist can suggest first before taking medicine for it. Now that I have the medicine, the bio-feedback (calming yourself down- going to your 'happy place', and doing this before the attack comes on- to eventually condition it to stop in its tracks) no longer works as well as it did. Plus, it is quite addictive. Best bet is to change your perspective on life, know that there are many who share your anxiety, and that it IS possible to stop it before it starts, no matter the method. And remember, the longest most attacks last is about 15 minutes, so if you can wait it out, your brain will automatically go into survival mode and it will be over before you know it. Good luck to you!

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14y ago

You should understand what anxiety and panic attacks are in order to be able to assist panic attack sufferer or simply to know how to help panic attacks.

When someone is having a panic attack, your first step is to talk to them. If you can, try to determine the cause of the attack and find out if the person had previously suffered from panic attacks. Try to inquire about the cause of panic attack and ask them if they use some medication or panic attack relief techniques. If they do, help them to use these panic attacks help techniques now.

If possible, take the panic attack sufferer to a silent place away from distress. One trick in how to help panic attacks is to talk to the victim to take their mind of the panic attack as soon as possible...

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14y ago

Try to calm yourself down..Symptoms of panic attacks are quite frightening, but reassure yourself that you will be fine and that you can not die from a panic attack.
If you can, find a quit place to calm yourself, or go outside (whatever calms you). Breath slowly - breathing properly is really important, you should learn how! Try and distract your mind of the panic attack, or listen to some music if you are at home..
There are many panic attack relief techniques available, some work for some people, other for others.
You should find the one that works for you best. Good luck!

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14y ago

There is only one way to CURE anxiety and panic disorders: therapy plus medication. Medication alone is a crutch - sedatives like Valium and Xanax just cover up the anxiety temporarily without treating the underlying cause of the panic.

Get a good therapist who knows how to do Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This is a method of re-training your brain to dump those old bad ways of dealing with stress and emotion, and to learn new healthy ways of dealing. I personally know too many people to name who have gone into therapy having panic attacks every day, dependent on tranquilizers, and unable to sleep at night - once they learned healthy ways to cope, they stopped having panic attacks, quit taking all the drugs, and slept normally.

Here are some ways you can cope for now, until you can get to a good therapist and get cured for good:

  • know your triggers - learn what sets you off and avoid that situation as much as possible
  • use the word "REALISTICALLY" whenever you feel stressed - it has to be that word, too. If you find yourself starting to think unhealthy things like "I'm never going to get this done!" or "I always screw up!" STOP yourself right there. Say the word REALISTICALLY (either out loud or to yourself), then finish up with a positive thought immediately. "REALISTICALLY, I might not finish everything, but I'm going to do as much as I can and that's going to be good enough for today." or "REALISTICALLY, here are some times when I did a good job _____ (list your good accomplishments to yourself right then!); sometimes I screw up, but sometimes everybody screws up." That word, REALISTICALLY, grabs your brain and jerks it to a halt - you can't think nasty negative thoughts at yourself when you make your brain think logically!
  • BREATHE! It is impossible to have a panic attack if you are breathing deeply and rhythmically - honestly. I mean deep, gulping breaths, counting to 3 before you let it out, blowing as hard as you can, then doing it all again. Try it - you can't panic if you wanted to.
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11y ago

well, what I usually do is do deep breathing, and tell myself it is all in my mind. I always get stomach aches with attacks, so I usually take tums. (please don't take them unless your parent/ guardian allows you). Then sometimes I will tell my parents what is happening and I will have them tell me stories about when I was a baby. I am having one right now because my sister is puking, so I think that I will get sick. So what I'm trying to say is that your mind tricks you into believing false things. Also I have my face burn... put a cold cloth on it.

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13y ago

When experiencing a panic attack it is best to relax and try to breathe. If that is not enough to stop a panic attack contact your doctor about possible taking antidepressant medication. Anti depressant medication can help stop panic attacks.

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4y ago

Try to slow down your breathing.

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Can a panic attack be a sign of OCD?

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Can a panic attack lead to a heart attack?

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Yes, some people experience panic attacks several times a day. In extreme cases a person can have multiple back to back panic attacks

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some people when they smoke to much marijuanna will experience a mild panic attack

What is worse a panic disorder or panic attack?

I believe a panic disorder is worse than a panic attack.You can have a panic attack once but when you start having recurrent panic attacks and it begins to affect aspects of your life it becomes a panic disorder. Here is a link to a useful article on this

What should I do if someone I am with appears to be having a panic attack?

The best thing to do when someone is having a panic attack is to try to calm them done. Tel them to relax their muscles and become less tense. Then you should try to help with slowing down their breathing.

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Do people remember when they've had or were about to have panic attacks?

Yes, you do remember when you are abut to have a panic attack. You can also remember everything going on around you when you are having the panic attack.

What is symptom prescription in family therapy?

Symptom prescription is a technique whereby you address the symptoms that someone brings to therapy by encouraging them in some way to engage in those symptoms. For example, when treating panic disorder, after psycho education, skill instruction and skill mastery, the person is likely told to engage in behavior that will bring about a panic attack (e.g. going to the grocery store, hyperventilating etc…). Once a panic attack or panic-like attack is occurring the person is encouraged to use the skills and remind themselves of the educational aspects. However, most that experience a panic attack feel a restricted ability to breath, resulting in a cascade of other thoughts and bodily sensations. Thus, during this session, while having a panic attack or panic -like experience the person might be told to "hold your breath" or " try to stop breathing". Thus, they are told to do the very symptom that they fear. This occurs with the breathing issue as well as the seeking of panic like situations.

Can you die having a panic attack?

I don't think so Yea, if your heart is weak,you may die of a panic attack.

Should oxygen be administered for a panic attack?

It depends on how suggestive the person suffering is. If they think it will help them, it will help them.

Which site has panic disorder prevention? has a great selection on panic disorder information. Articles range from how to realize you are having a panic attack to how to stay calm and collected during a panic attack until it passes.