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St. Bede the Venerable is the patron saint of throat problems.

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Q: What saint do you pray to for diseases of the throat?
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Why do people pray to Saint Thomas?

Which Saint Thomas? There are several.

What has the author Ernest L Shurly written?

Ernest L. Shurly has written: 'A Treatise On Diseases Of The Nose And Throat' -- subject(s): Diseases Throat, Diseases Nose

What saint to pray to for finance?

There is no patron saint of finance but St. Matthew is the patron saint of accountants.

What religious saint is responsible for curing colds?

There is no saint who is specifically responsible for curing colds, but there are many saints who can heal illnesses in general. For example, Saints Cosmas and Damian were doctors who cured people for free. As was St Panteleimon, who is well-known by Greeks and Russians alike, for curing all kinds of diseases and illnesses. Of course the Blessed Theotokos or Virgin Mary is also able to cure people of all infirmities, sickness, diseases and other illnesses. It is important to pray with faith. A good way to pray is by saying: "Most Holy Theotokos pray to God for me" or "Holy Sts Cosmas and Damian pray to God for me" or "Holy St Panteleimon pray to God for me, to cure me of my cold."

Who is the saint who helps sore throats?

Saint Blaise is the patron saint of those with throat problems.