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there can be no growth of the embryo without mitosis b/c mitosis is the process that takes place when an embryo is developing

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Q: What role does mitosis play in the growth of an embryo?
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What role does mitosis play in things?

Growth and Repair.

What role does mitosis play in living thing?

Growth and Repair.

What role does mitosis play in cancer?

Mitosis arguably plays the largest role in cancer. Mitosis is responsible for the growth and division of the cancerous cells.

What does mitosis play a role in?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

What role does mitosis play?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

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What does mitosis directly play a role in?

the division of a cell's nucleus.

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the division of a cell's nucleus.

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The lungs do not play a direct role in nourishing the developing embryo and fetus. The placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid play key roles in providing nutrition and oxygen to the developing baby during pregnancy.

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The process of cell division that results in growth and repair is called mitosis. During mitosis, a parent cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells, each with a complete set of chromosomes. This crucial process plays a key role in tissue growth, repair, and maintenance in multicellular organisms.